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Top / ブログ / 2017-07-28

Summer School Day3

Today was the last day of summer school. It was a busy day, and we did many different activities.

For the journal we filled in the last days information. Then using flashcards, we wrote the name of the different vocabulary items we learnt during summer school. Everyone concentrated hard to make sure their spelling and writing was correct.

The weather was finally hot enough for us to play in the pool. We changed our clothes and joined classes to all play in the pool. It was a lot of fun. Everyone did well and followed the rules correctly.

After playing in the pool we started to make our Sloppy-Joes. Together everyone cut up onions and zucchini. We made them small and then cooked them together with mincemeat. Everyone helped to add salt, sugar and sauce, and we let it cook. It smelled so good and at lunch we put the meat into a bun and ate with lunch. Everyone enjoyed the food and some went back for seconds!

Our horseshoes were completed today. Using stars and stickers they were cut and designed individually. They all looked very good. Using what they made, we played a game of horseshoes. They throw their horseshoe at a pole, and the closest one wins.

The final part of the journal was finished at the end of the day. It let everyone write down what they liked the best about what they did in summer school. Making the Sloppy-Joes was popular, as well as playing in the pool and doing crafts. Everyone had a great time and made new friends. We are all excited to get together next time and have lots of fun together again.



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