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Top / ブログ / 2017-07-27

Summer School Day2

Everyone had a lot of fun at summer school today.

We completed our journals for the day, which included a word search. We could review all the new words that we learnt and talk about Texas and the different things that cowboys do.

We made a target to use both today and tomorrow. It is a piece of paper that the students could design how they like, and they put different values on it so they could aim and get different points. It was laminated and they all looked really good.

The students used nerf guns in the classroom to shoot at the targets and get points. They shared very well together and had a lot of fun.

We all then changed into our pool gear and went onto the roof. Using the targets we made and water pistols everyone squirted their guns and tried to hit the target. We then practiced dueling. Two friends wore a tissue paper target around their neck and stood back to back. We counted to five, they walked away from each other and at 5 they turned and tried to shoot each other in their target. Everyone tried and had a lot of fun. Ena was the winner!

We finished the busy day by eating lunch and started to make a horseshoe. This craft will be finished tomorrow and we will be able to play the game of horseshoes.

Hopefully the weather will be warmer and we can use the pool. See you all tomorrow.



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