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Top / ブログ / 2017-07-26

Summer School2017 Day1

We started the summer school theme of Texas today.

Texas is a state of America, and we are looking the cowboys and cowgirls and different things related to them.

Some vocabulary that we learnt includes: the Wild West, desert, cactus, Texas, cow, bucking, horse and sheriff

Today we started our journals. Everyone filled in information about the day (day, month, date) and they completed a picture of a cowboys boot. In the cowboys boot they wrote in all the things that they like. Then everyone presented their picture and introduced themselves to everybody.

We made two things to become cowboys, a cowboy hat and a sheriff’s badge. Using different materials such as yarn, origami paper and stickers the class designed their items as they liked. They traced and cut stars for their hats, weaved yarn on the outside of their hats and used a star shaped hole puncher to put stars on their badges

Everybody had a great day! We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

さいたま新都心 プリスクール ABC International Preschool

さいたま新都心 プリスクール ABC International Preschool

さいたま新都心 プリスクール ABC International Preschool

さいたま新都心 プリスクール ABC International Preschool

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